Clockwork Internet

Lightning Fast Internet Hosting

Clockwork Internet provides all of your internet hosting needs from just basic e-mail accounts, using your personal domain address for that professional appearance, through to sophisticated, full-feature website hosting with your personal control panel, enabling you to display to the world that essential, professional internet presence. Here at Clockwork Internet we talk your language and we take away the technical worries. We are proud of the relationship that we establish with our clients and we enjoy seeing them grow and flourish. Take a look around and if you have any questions don't hesitate to Contact Clockwork Internet today!

Clockwork News

Still not sure?

Further to yesterday’s article, if you remain unsure about the need to switch from MSE (Microsoft Security Essentials) to a different anti-virus product, read this:

The senior program manager of the malware protection centre at Microsoft stated to Dennis Technology Labs “the company only follows a baseline strategy”. Or in other words, the purpose of Microsoft Security Essentials is to protect against only the most active threats. Furthermore Holly Stewart (the aforementioned manager) said that Microsoft will always rank towards the bottom of the anti-virus product test results in view of its policy of always sharing with third-party partners everything it knows about security threats.

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“Fantastic work! Delivered on time, on budget and exactly what I wanted. Shukran! Thank you, guys!”